Travelling concepts: learning from the dispersed territory of Flanders
Fri 27 January 2023, 13:00-15:00 CET
Diana Gouveia Amaral, KU Leuven & University of Minho
Sophie Leemans, KU Leuven & GSAPP Columbia University
Introduction by Maarten Gheysen, KU Leuven
In this online lunch seminar two doctoral students at the Department of Architecture discuss the impact of travelling concepts in their work as a comparison between North Portugal (Diana Gouveia Amaral), North America (Sophie Leemans) and Flanders. In the presentations, 20 minutes each, reflections will be shared on building facades and collective spaces, landscape and infrastructure imaginaries and projects.
The idea of travelling concepts comes from the article “Zwischenstadt as a travelling concept: towards a critical discussion of mobile ideas in transnational planning discourses on urban sprawl” by Vera Vicenzotti & Mattias Qviström. Attendants are invited to read the article in advance:
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