“The Role of Community Heritage in the Process of Post-Conflict Recovery,” with cases in Kosovo supervised by Professor Gisèle Gantois (Research Group ‘Urban Projects, Collective Spaces and Local…
Sustainable and inclusive urban redevelopment in the Asunción Port Area, Paraguay. Promoters: prof. Yves Schoonjans (KU Leuven) & prof. Juan Cristaldo (CIDi, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Arte…
PUBLIC DEFENCE – Xavier Mendez Abad “(Re) Making Collective Spaces. A socio-spatial exploration of the appropriation of collective spaces in Guayaquil’s barrios populares”. Date: 13 December 2024 Location: Auditorium C14,…
Meet the Research Cell and ADO Restoring Broken Journeys! The Research Cell and Academic Design Office (ADO) ‘Restoring Broken Journeys’ has as its central theme the re-establishment of a previous (social)…
PUBLIC DEFENCE – Sophie Leemans “Rewiring the lifelines. Investigating the role of infrastructures to address collective challenges in the dispersed territory. The case of the Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai”. Date:…
PUBLIC DEFENCE – Muhammad Mashhood Arif “Insights into the (Re)production of Public Spaces through Socio-Spatial Appropriation in Informal Settlements: Case Studies from Lahore, Pakistan.” Date: 16 August 2024…
PUBLIC DEFENCE – Ignacio Galán “(Re)occupy the ruin. Unveiling the capacity of vernacular heritage for the regeneration of depopulated settlements in mountain territories under transformation. A study case of the…
PUBLIC DEFENCE – Yiping Zhang “Collective Spaces in Workers’ Villages in Northeast China: A Critical Socio- spatial Analysis of the Village of Powers in Harbin.” Date: 3 July…
Trauma Studies, the scholarship analysing representations of disruptive experiences and their effect on identity and memory, is a field largely marked by language-based discourses. In examining the psychological…
PUBLIC DEFENCE – Jacob Msengui Lutta “Transformation of Collective Spaces in an Interstitial Informal Settlement. The case of Mlalakuwa, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.” Date: 29 September 2023…
Streams in the Urbanization Process. Categorization, socio-environmental historical conflicts and contributions to public policy in Cuenca-Ecuador. Joint project KU Leuven – Universidad de Cuenca
Speaker: prof. Daniel Orellana* Date: June 20th. Time: 9:30 – 12:30 Location: Faculty of Architecture, KU Leuven. Sint-Niklaastraat 27, Room 2.11. Gent. * Daniel is a Principal…
The publication of a funded South Initiative VLIR-UOS SURLAB-Project (main coordinator of our faculty: Yves Schoonjans, Hans Leinfelder & Xavier Mendez) were selected on the Pan-American Architecture Biennale…
PUBLIC DEFENCE – Johan Nielsen “Remote Practices. Insights on Architectural Design Processes” Date: 11 October 2022 Location: Campus Brussels/LUCA, Paleizenstraat Timing: 4 p.m. CET Image: Man with…
PUBLIC DEFENCE – Patricia Tamayo “From Industrial Compounds to Public Facilities” Insights on reconversion projects and their effects on the relationship with the urban surroundings through architectural strategies….
NEWS FROM “SOUTH URBAN RESEARCH LAB (SURLAB)” Free Download of books of the project on Guayaquil and Cuenca (Ecuador): 1. Xavier Méndez Abad, Daniel Orellana, Félix Chunga,…
PUBLIC DEFENCE – Ahmad Adeel “Insights into the impact of mega transport infrastructure projects on the transformation of the urban fabric of Lahore” Date: 7 March 2022…
PUBLIC DEFENCE – Gitte Schreurs “Insights on the reconfiguration of vulnerable industrial waterfronts facing shocks and stresses” Coney Island Creek, New York City, USA Date: 25 February 2022…
PUBLIC DEFENCE – Chukwuemeka Vincent Chukwuemeka “Emergent Spatialities in Urban Africa: Case Study of Onitsha Markets in Nigeria” Date: 12 January 2022 Location: Due to covid measures, the…
Xavier Méndez-Abad, Hans Leinfelder & Yves Schoonjans (2021), Notes on Urban Informality: transformations, places and practices. In Garcia Ferrari S., Offerdal H., Kania M. (eds), Why Latin America…
Date: Monday 4th March 2019 Location: Escuela Superior Técnica de Arquitectura de Barcelona, Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona, ETSAB-UPC, Barcelona, Spain Laboratory of Urbanism of Barcelona – DUOT –…
RESEARCH PROJECT: STREETSCAPE TERRITORIES AS CINEMATIC SUPPORT Prof. Dr. Kris Scheerlinck (movie still from “Billy Elliot”, BBC films, director Stephen Daldry, 2000) Exciting news! A couple of…
Field trip and Hackató maib14 “BARCELONAs ROUNDS. Infrastructures as a Tool to Explore the City”, Design Studio by Cecilia Chiappini From 17th to 23rd October students from the…
SEMINAR: Forms of Adaptations within Urban Markets in Emerging Cities (For official call, see below) Location: Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Brussels 65-67, Paleizenstraat – 1030 Brussels |…
(RE)LEARNING FROM NEW JERSEY Exploring and reading elsewheres. Dr. Erik Van Daele Designing in a non-binary land/ city context demands a specific vocabulary to value the complex…