Meet the Research Cell and ADO Restoring Broken Journeys!
The Research Cell and Academic Design Office (ADO) ‘Restoring Broken Journeys’ has as its central theme the re-establishment of a previous (social) right, practice, or situation, which was distorted while looking at the future as ‘Journeys’ pre-suppose a process of change and development. This research project investigates how journeys, narratives and lives are closely entangled within a lived environment and its spatial memory, which has an inseparable link with built community heritage.
The ADO ‘Restoring Broken Journeys’ is under the supervision of Prof. dr. Gisèle Gantois.
Discover the research projects on this website:
Discover the master studios and more:
- Master Studio ‘Palimpsestic Landscape: Unity in Diversity. Spatial Resonances of the Garden City Movement in Ypres’
- Master Studio ‘Unveiling Spatial Memories around ‘t Hoge and Bellewaerde (Ypres – Belgium)’
- Master Studio ‘Risk Homestasis and Spatial Memory: Towards a (Socially) Sustainable Post-Disaster Urban Reconstruction’
- Publication Studio Restoring Broken Journeys #1
- Publication Studio Restoring Broken Journeys #2
- Expo ‘Yper’s landschap in veelvoud’: Restoring Broken Journeys #3
- Expo ‘The Invisible City’
- Expo ‘Care-taking as iterative process’
- Expo ‘Vicinity as Nearness in Space’
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